Useful informations for camping pitches
Booking is not required. However, it gives you the security of a place.
Reservations are not charged
You can arrive between 9:00 and 18:00 and you have to leave between 8:00 and 12:00.
Payment must be made by 6p.m. the day before departure at the latest.
Means of payment accepted : cash, bank cheque, ANCV holiday vouchers, bank transfer and bank card from €15.
Useful informations for the mobil homes rental
A reservation will be definitive after reception of a down-payment of 30% of the total sum.
The rest should be paid not later than 1 month before the arrival.
Payments have to be made by credit transfer, french bank cheques, or french cheques vacances.
A deposit of €60 in cash must be paid on the day of arrival. This deposit will be returned to you
on your departure after control of the state of cleanliness of the mobil home .
Every started stay is due.
Arrival on Saturday after 3.00 PM. Departure on Saturday before 10.00 AM.

CAMPING La Clapère ***
+33 (0) 4 68 83 36 04